Monday, October 22, 2007


It seems as since my triathlon season is over I've been neglecting my blog. But DO NOT FEAR I am not neglecting my fitness!!!

So here is an update as to what I have been up to:

1. I've been keeping a regular 30-60 minute workout routine 5x a week. Alternating between biking (or spinning), swimming and running. All is well there.

2. Diet is mostly good. I've lost about 15 lbs since the last triathlon 2 months ago and have even been able to drink a beer from time to time. That includes a slight gain I had before I went on the diet because I was celebrating too much. ;) Anyway, I'm down over 70 lbs overall since this time 2005.

3. Planning for next tri season has begun. Patti is trying to talk me into an olympic size tri (double what we did last year), but we'll see. I haven't comitted. :) But it does look like our summer is going to be planned around said activities.

4. New bike is AWESOME. I've been outfitting it with a pump, under the seat bag with tool kit and stuff and a computer. I've been on various 10 - 30 mile rides throughout the fall and I'm getting more and more comfortable on it. Yesterday we went on the Huron Valley Trail (thanks for the tip, Mindy!) and I was able to really practice my aerobars, which I haven't really been doing much because I've been afraid. I really got comfortable on them, so I am happy about that. Next big step will be to get a trainer and some clips so I can practice those over the winter.

5. Not completely fitness related, but I'm going on vaca in 2 weeks and I'll be doing tons of hiking and my friend is taking us rock climbing!! I couldn't do it if I weren't in good shape, so I am happy about that!!!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007