Monday, April 28, 2008
Trial Tri
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Spring has sprung
It is unseasonably warm, and that's ok with us who put up with a pretty harsh winter!
This past week has mostly been in the seventies, and I've been on my bike 5 days in a row. I haven't really hit it hard on the bike until today, because I'm still getting used to the damn clip-ins. The last few days have either been in the neighborhood only, or around some main roads not too far from the neighborhood. Today was the first day I didn't have a meltdown out of frustration of not being able to clip in or fall on my butt. So it was a good day. It was only a 12.5 mile bike, but we averaged about 17 mph, so that's a good start and we'll start kicking up the mileage and speed now that I'm getting comfortable.
Yay spring!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mama's got a new pair of shoes

While I was on one of my trips, my wonderful husband went to REI and bought me some new biking shoes with coordinating new pedals.
Then when I was on another trip, my awesome husband (yes, the same guy) took my bike to the bike shop, got it tuned up and put the pedals on and put the clips on the shoes.
Today was the first day that I got a chance to try them out. I've been a little stressed out about them, because I have a fairly big fear of falling, and I don't love the idea of being physically attached to my bike.
So I went out into the grass to practice while my wonderful husband (still the same guy!) was inside eating and watching out the back door. I had a really hard time starting, because I was so afraid to fall. And guess what? It was no big deal!!! I did fall twice in the grass, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I even ventured out into the road a little. I think tomorrow we'll go out a little more in the neighborhood until I get really comfortable.
I'm so proud of overcoming my fears. :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Well, 3 weeks ago, was in Atlanta for a week, Mon-Fri for a all day training class. The class went from 8-6 or 7 every day. They fed us, mostly unhealthy stuff, and it was a real struggle! I did run a lot while I was there, but still.
Then I was in Florida for a week visiting Tim's family. Mostly I was healthy and I ran and swam a lot to make up for any treats. :) We had a great time.
Thursday I flew to New York for 1 night to visit a couple of clients.
The good news is I didn't gain ONE POUND! I think that is quite an accomplishment for basically eating out for the last 3 weeks. I think when I came home from Atlanta, I was up a few pounds (probably extra sodium, etc.), but it all worked out and I am SO HAPPY.
Yay me!