Ok, this is probably preaching to the Choir, but check
this out and then read on:
Today Tim and I went for a bike ride. We biked up to Kensington Metro Park, which is about 7 miles from our house. From there we biked around the park and then back home, the plan was for a 23 mile ride.
Well on the way home, we were coming up on this intersection where we needed to turn right. As we were approaching the corner, this car coming in the other direction turned left super fast RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME into a gas station. Fortunately Tim was able to barely escape him, but I was not so lucky.
As he was turning in front of me, in that split second I looked for options, couldn't go right, couldn't go left, so I knew I had to hit him. So as I was breaking for my life, I turned my bike a little to the side to side swipe him as I thought that was my best option.
My shoulder bounced off his car and I almost whacked my head on his mirror, and then my body slammed to the road, my right elbow taking most of the impact. Of course I was ripped right off my bike.
I was able to get up and walk away from it, which was good, but it shook me up pretty good. So I went to this grassy part in front of the gas station and sat down.
The first thing he said after he said he didn't seem me (obviously) was that we should be on the sidewalk! Tim corrected him right away letting him know we have every right to be in the road. The guy was very concerned and bought me a water and some ice because I was getting quite the goose egg on my elbow, but the whole time insisted it wasn't his fault.
As I was walking it off, Tim went and got the information from the guy, and this woman came up to us and urged us to call the police, because even though she didn't see my accident, he had JUST cut her off down the road and was driving recklessly and was apparently in a big hurry. Just as she said that, the police showed up, someone else called them.
As everyone was giving their statements (including the woman mentioned above), the guy kept insisting it was my fault!
He kept saying *I* hit *HIM*
I said "Of course I did, you turned right in front of me!"
He said "You side swiped me!"
I said "I did that on purpose to avoid getting killed!
He said that he didn't see me and that he never sees cyclists on the road and I said "Well *that* is a problem, we're everywhere!"
We got into a little heated discussion because he was totally pissing me off (no I didn't swear!) and the officer finally said "Ok, Ok, let's calm down" and I walked away. I did apologize later to the officer and he said not to worry, that he understood why I was angry.
So after the guy was issued 2 tickets (One for failure to yield and one for no driver's license), he did say he hoped I was ok, but NEVER apologized.
At first I felt fine to ride home (we had about 5 miles left), but then, I was a little worried about putting pressure on my arm. It's a little on the sore side, and I think it is ok, but I am keeping an eye on it. If it really starts hurting, we'll get it looked at. But in the mean time, I'm just bumped, bruised and scratched. So since I couldn't ride, the police brought me home. He told me in the car that the accident report stated that the other guy was at fault, which I kinda knew, but is nice to hear.
So anyway, I think I'll live. My bike appears to be fine, but I am taking it up for a tune up just in case since I do have a race next weekend.
And just in case I can't ride with "Tres Chicas" next weekend, I have a substitute: "Dos Chicas y un Hombre"!