Monday, May 7, 2007

My First Post

You know I really hate blogs, but I've decided to start one to log my fitness goals and to help support other friends with their goals!

So why my title? Well, I love sports. I like to be involved in them as well as be a spectator, but I am the world's worst athlete. I work hard, I'm dedicated, I try to take advice, but I just do *NOT* have natural athletic ability.

So it always seems like sporting activities are just harder for me than those with more natural abilities. The problem is, I tend to choose lofty goals. In otherwords, I don't choose things that tend to require less skills.

What does this mean?

It means that I have to often settle for just being slow at the things I do. I will never be a competitive athlete, even in my age range (I almost always come in last in my age group), but you know what? That's ok. I don't care that much anymore, I just want to finish, because that in it's self is quite an accomplishment.


Fat 2 Fit said...

Go girl! ;)
That's great, keep it up!! :)


Flabulous Mom said...

I think that accomplishing a triathlon makes you an athlete. Just keep up the great work!