Thursday, August 23, 2007

Farewell Cheetos, I knew you well...

Well next week I am starting a new chapter for a while and that chapter is getting back to basics with my diet.

I feel the need to do this because of the fact I will be cutting back my training, so in line with that, I need to cut back my eating.

I've been very proud of myself, because I have exactly maintained my weight loss for almost a year. That is more than I have done in the last 10 years, as I had been slowly gaining all that time until I lost my 65lbs between Fall 05 and Winter 06. But I have maintained because I've been working out so much and still have been able to eat pretty much what I want.

Now, I feel that this summer I have been eating "normal". I mean, I have had treats, but I try to do them in moderation and try to still eat pretty healthy.

One of the things that I love to snack on is Baked Cheetos. Now I know that isn't exactly a hot fudge brownie sundae, but I do love them. They are a little cheat for me.

But after Sunday, no more until next year. Sunday, I will be cleaning out the cupboards to prepare for the new chapter.

So this post is dedicated to Cheetos. I will miss you until next year. :)


Fat 2 Fit said...

I hate NO cheetos! ;) But seriously - I know it is hard but the payoff is always great. I need to give up ice cream (and Bailey's). When do you want to go to Hines?? I can do next weekend i think! :)

Flabulous Mom said...

No cheetos sucks but you are dedicated and I know you will have no problem sticking to your guns. Good for you!