Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Corner From Hell

As I was biking on Saturday, we were riding through the little town of Milford. It's 25 mph through there, but there is no room to pass if you needed to. Also there are 3 cross walks for pedestrians that you have to stop for if there are pedestrians present, so your speed through town is usually pretty slow. We were averaging about 20 mph through there, which on a bike is a pretty good clip, but we were mostly staying with traffic.

As we got out of town, we were approaching the infamous corner where I got hit by a car in June, and we were looking to see if we could get in the left turn lane and it was clear, so we got into the turn lane and stopped at the light. All of a sudden this lady in a jeep came up behind us quickly and started yelling at us. She told us to get off the road and onto the sidewalk because we were holding up traffic. She repeated it over and over again like we were 5. Ever time she said it, we kept telling her that it was illegal and dangerous for us to be on the sidewalk and we have ever right to be on the road. We went back and forth until the light turned green and then she sped around us and left.

Why are people so ignorant to biking laws?!?!?

I bet she yells at baby ducks too!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Just so all my many fans out there don't think I've fallen off the wagon, I wanted to give you a little update as to what I've been up to. :)

Last week I was traveling all week, but I did work out most of the days I was there. I did a combination of the eliptical and weights. I had some pretty good work outs and it was a welcome break from the other things I've been up to!

Yesterday we cranked out 40 miles on the bike. We are starting to ramp up our rides in preparation for the DALMAC (Labor Day weekend).

I haven't run in a week, but I plan to this week, starting tomorrow picking up my speed work again, which I'd dropped for a few weeks.

I also revitatlized my weight workouts, and am just trying to ramp those up for a little variety.

You'll notice swimming isn't in the mix right now, and for that, I am very happy. :) I don't HATE it, I just need a little break from it, and then I'll go back at it.

So I hope this message puts you all at ease. ;)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Trails 2008

Well, my final triathlon of this season is completed. I'm pretty happy about that fact.

I've been struggling a little with my training over the last month, and finishing was a pretty big feat. I'm mostly happy with the results. I was 2 minutes faster than last year, though that wasn't any thanks to my swim (1 minute slower) and my run, which I walked plenty of (pretty much the same as last year). But my bike I did in about 47 minutes, which I was pretty happy about. With transition times being roughly the same as last year, my overall time was 2:01:23.

I'm missing that elusive mark under 2 hours; maybe next time.

I'm a little burnt on the swimming right now, so I'm taking a little break from that, but will be focusing my summer on the DALMAC, and Since apparently biking is my best of the 3, it'll be nice to focus on that, and still running in between.

The day was marked by an impending storm, which never really materialized, though it spit a little during my bike portion, and it made the grassy run course just a little slick. That's pretty much how the whole spring and summer has gone though. So it was an appropriate ending to my tri season this year.

I'm probably not done with these things, because they ARE fun.

Here are some fun photos from the day.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Just thought I'd post this little diddy about my cousin Patti and her kids:
