Monday, July 28, 2008


Just so all my many fans out there don't think I've fallen off the wagon, I wanted to give you a little update as to what I've been up to. :)

Last week I was traveling all week, but I did work out most of the days I was there. I did a combination of the eliptical and weights. I had some pretty good work outs and it was a welcome break from the other things I've been up to!

Yesterday we cranked out 40 miles on the bike. We are starting to ramp up our rides in preparation for the DALMAC (Labor Day weekend).

I haven't run in a week, but I plan to this week, starting tomorrow picking up my speed work again, which I'd dropped for a few weeks.

I also revitatlized my weight workouts, and am just trying to ramp those up for a little variety.

You'll notice swimming isn't in the mix right now, and for that, I am very happy. :) I don't HATE it, I just need a little break from it, and then I'll go back at it.

So I hope this message puts you all at ease. ;)

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