Saturday, August 18, 2007


I have a huge family.

I am one of 10. On my dad's side of the family, I have one family with 7 cousins, one with 5 and there are a few on my mom's side too. My dad's sister Margaret's family was probably the family I was closest too when I was growing up. There are 5 girls in that family, 2 of whom are close in age to me. Margie - who is a year younger and Patti who is about a year and a half older.

As kids, I hung out with Margie more, but as adults I really never saw either of them except at holidays. You know, life happens and well everyone gets busy.

Last Novemeber when I saw Patti at our annual thanksgiving bash it was the first time a lot of my cousins had seen me since I recently lost some weight. Well her and I got talking, and she talked me into doing this triathlon thing...

Now, I have told you all many times how awesome my summer has been because of all this triathlon training. But what I haven't elaborated on was the reason all this triathlon stuff was so much fun was because of Patti.

Here are a list of reasons Patti has made this experience better:

1. She is so funny. She cracks me up all the time.
2. We are very compatible in our abilities. I mean we each have our specialties, but in general it couldn't be better.
3. We help keep each other accountable
4. She is smart (maybe some of that will rub off)
5. We always have fun, even when we are working our asses off
6. She is thoughtful and loving, I mean c'mon she gave me biking socks!
7. When we workout together, I am faster, I push myself more
8. When we are not working out together I always wonder how she's doing in her workouts
9. She lives 5 fricken miles from me!
10. She looks great for her age! (Ha ha! I had to get a slam in there for her being so much *older* than me! I hope I look that good when I'm *her* age!) ;)

I know this will not do her justice, but she is just awesome.

I hope this doesn't come off as cyberstalking, but I needed to tell you the real reason I have been having so much fun, because in addition to me getting fit, I have been re-acquainted with my cousin and gained a true friend.

So Patti, this post is dedicated to you. I couldn't have done all of this without your friendship, dedication and just overall fun making!

I love you, man!


Patti said...

That was very touching. I am literally crying right now. Thank you for your thoughts but remember IT WAS YOU WHO FOLLOWED THROUGH with the plan and IF I DID NOT HAVE YOU I may not have met the goals that I set for me. I hope our work outs continue to grow in numbers with those who thought they never could do it. The personal rewards are priceless! Love ya, Patti

Fat 2 Fit said...

It's awesome that you have someone that is so awesome. YOu mention her often, she must be great. :)