Saturday, May 10, 2008

Today's ride

This morning Tim and I went out for a ride near Ortonville State Recreation area. Why Ortonville you ask? Well, June 22nd, I'm doing an Olympic Distance Triathlon Relay with my cousin (swimmer) and my friend (runner) and I am doing the bike portion, which is a 26 mile course.

The course description says that the course will "kick your ass", but I didn't find it too bad except for two hills. One of course was at the 25 mile mark so it was tough, the other one was about 16 miles in. The rest of the hills were long and gradual, and a fair amount of false flats (it goes through a lot of farm lands and through the cute little town of Hadley).

But I averaged 16 miles an hour and it took me 1:40. I think I can do it between 1:20 & 1:30 (probably closer to the 1:30 mark), so I'll be training hard to bump up that time. We didn't really push it, so I was pretty happy with my time overall

Oh and it was a gorgeous day for a bike ride.


Fat 2 Fit said...

That is AWESOME! From your description... that ride WOULD have kicked MY ass! But I don't have the level of fitness you have... Hell some days I am so frustrated I just want to throw in the towel and not do the tri OR the big ride... but I am going to keep plugging away & I WILL do them... YOu are totally my idol! :)

Flabulous Mom said...

Wow, that's great! Is this your first relay? The ride sounds hard but I'm not surprised you were able to accomplish it no problem, you are totally fit! Too cool for you!