Monday, May 21, 2007


Well, I had a great running week, which is a big deal these days.

I used to run in 94 - 97 when I trained to run the 10 mile race for the Crim (in Flint, Michigan). I ran that in 95 and was in the best shape of my life at the time. Then I stopped. I ran on and off between 95 and 97 but mostly off.

Now fast forward to spring 2006 and I start running again, and ran my first race in August of 2006. Running is a relative term though, because I am a very slow runner. When I started in August I was running about a 13+ minute mile. Now I'm *almost* in the 10+ minute mile range, and that is fast for me!!! I am proud of the progress I've made there.

In the fall I started developing problems with my hip though, which has slowed my training down a bit. Since I'm training for the triathalon, though, I've been able to keep up aerobically and not have to worry too much about the miles and still keep my pace for the most part.

I am feeling better now than I have over the last few months, but I still struggle with stiffness in my hip and I have to do a lot of icing and stretching. Getting old sucks!!!

But back to this week. Over the last month I've started training in the afternoons to get my body used to running in warmer weather. I hate it, but I do think it is going to be a good thing. In April I ran a race and was unable to run the whole thing. Even though I had a good time, I was disappointed that I needed to walk part of it. Training since then hadn't been great (still walking during part of my runs) until this week. This week I had 2 good 3.5 mile runs with no walking and the race I ran this weekend I didn't walk and my time was decent.

So I am happy. And by the way, even though I'm not training for a 10 mile race, I am in better shape now than I was then, which is way cool (being 10+ years older esepcially!) Now, if my hip can take it, I want to improve my speed. So stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

Flabulous Mom said...

You rock! That's so cool that you're doing these races and you are now improving on your time too! Keep up the great job!