Thursday, February 28, 2008

Commerical Break

We pause our regularly scheduled program for a commercial break....

(No, you can't fast forward)

I have recently seen the Ziplock Zip 'N Steam bags advertised on TV as well as seen them featured on the Biggest Loser, so while I was at Costco last week, I picked up a package of 40 (for around 5 bucks). BTW, you can find information and recipes at

I *LOVE* these things.

About 3 years ago I gave up prepackaged meals, so this is a great time saver since I pack my lunch 90% of the time.

So here are my success stories:

Last Saturday we were going to a party, and Tim wanted to eat first, and all I had was a couple of salmon filets thawed. So I threw them in the Zip 'N Steam bag with some teriaki sauce, and 3 minutes later he was eating dinner.

Last Night I had to pack food for 2 days because I'm staying the night at my sisters house tonight, so one day I made a salad, and the second day I through a frozen salmon filet in the bag with some spices, and just cooked and ate it for lunch. I also made a warm cabbage salad (featured on their site), that I threw in the bag and cooked just now.

I have also made Chicken in these.

I just got them last Friday, and I already love them. The meats do not turn out rubbery at all.

Anyway, I recommend trying them. They are a great way to cook a fast and healthy meal!


Fat 2 Fit said...

I am going to have to try these! :)

Flabulous Mom said...

Those sound like a real time saver. Might have to try those.