Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thank god for the Foo Fighters

This year I've been working on a running mix. So far I have 79 songs in it. I started this, because I kept hearing a couple of songs on the radio that were perfect for my running pace and I thought: let's find more!

There are about 3 songs on my list by the Foo Fighters that are a perfect driving pace for my run. I went online and found an online metronome, figured out what the speed was, then clocked other songs to find similar ones.

It has been AWESOME. Here is an example why.

I struggle big time with running indoors because it's boring, so today, I'm at 2.5 miles and I start to walk and think "Well I was sick last week, and I ran 2 miles each time this week so 2.5 is better, right?" Even though I know I can go further.

THEN all of a sudden, "The Pretender" comes on (off the new Foo Fighters album) and I ended up squeaking out that last 1/2 mile because of it!

So thank God for good driving fast songs by the Foo Fighters (and many other artists.) Without them, I would be walking (or quitting)


Flabulous Mom said...

Music is a great motivator and you just proved it. Way to go for sticking with it. I know what you mean about working out indoors...not as much fun. Keep up the great job! WooHoo Foo Fighters!

Ernie said...

Hello??? post the running mix!