Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One of those mornings

So remember when I told you that I have a general rule that even if I don't feel like working out I mostly force myself to at least do 10/15 mins, and if it ain't happening after that, then I stop?

Well today was one of those mornings.

Tim had the same feeling. We were dragging big time and we did make it to the pool.

But we lasted for 10 minutes and threw in the towel. We did sit in the hot tub for 20 minutes, so I was technically in the gym for 30, but I don't think it really counts. ;)

Anyway, I'm skiing this afternoon, so I'll get a workout in anyway, but it just wasn't gonna happen this morning...


Fat 2 Fit said...

AT least you tried! I hate days like that, but they happen for all of us. At least Tim was in the same place you were, so it wasn't like one of you was doing great and the other was dragging.

Flabulous Mom said...

Skiing is a great workout (or so I'm told...never been) so I don't think you should feel bad about missing your am workout. Besides, once in a while you just have to sit and relax. What better way to do it than in a whirlpool. :)