Monday, March 17, 2008

New Plan

Earlier this year I mentioned that I might be doing an Olympic size triathlon, which I wasn't thrilled about, but I was going to do anyway. Originally, I wanted to focus on sprints again this year, compare to last year and then maybe do some longer ones next year. But due to positive peer pressure by CERTAIN PEOPLE I was going to do a long one this year. ;)

Well, Patti got news recently that she really shouldn't be doing that much on her knee that early in the season (June 22nd), and Jo, well she'll just be a couple week off of her marathon.

So we have decided not to do an Olympic this year, and stick to sprints, which is really fine with me. I'd like to focus on speed this year (which I'll post about later), so I'm a happy camper.

And Jo had the brilliant idea of doing the Olympic, but maybe just doing a relay with the 3 of us, which I think is a fabulous idea and I'm very excited about.

So that's the plan for now. It seems to change a lot, but I do think I'm finally starting to lock the summer events down.


Flabulous Mom said...

Ok, What's an Olympic vs. the tris you've already been doing?

You sound like you have everything so organized for summer. That's cool and a relay sounds like it would be up your alley too!

Non-Athletic Athlete said...

Sprints (What I've been doing) are generally 1/2 Mile Swim, 10-12Mile bike and 3 Mile run. Olympics are about twice that. Iron man is 2 1/2 Mile Swim, 112 Mile Bike and 26 mile run and then half iron is half of that.