Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring has sprung

Well, we are having a glorious spring here in Michigan.

It is unseasonably warm, and that's ok with us who put up with a pretty harsh winter!

This past week has mostly been in the seventies, and I've been on my bike 5 days in a row. I haven't really hit it hard on the bike until today, because I'm still getting used to the damn clip-ins. The last few days have either been in the neighborhood only, or around some main roads not too far from the neighborhood. Today was the first day I didn't have a meltdown out of frustration of not being able to clip in or fall on my butt. So it was a good day. It was only a 12.5 mile bike, but we averaged about 17 mph, so that's a good start and we'll start kicking up the mileage and speed now that I'm getting comfortable.

Yay spring!

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