Monday, April 14, 2008


Where have I been the last few weeks?

Well, 3 weeks ago, was in Atlanta for a week, Mon-Fri for a all day training class. The class went from 8-6 or 7 every day. They fed us, mostly unhealthy stuff, and it was a real struggle! I did run a lot while I was there, but still.

Then I was in Florida for a week visiting Tim's family. Mostly I was healthy and I ran and swam a lot to make up for any treats. :) We had a great time.

Thursday I flew to New York for 1 night to visit a couple of clients.

The good news is I didn't gain ONE POUND! I think that is quite an accomplishment for basically eating out for the last 3 weeks. I think when I came home from Atlanta, I was up a few pounds (probably extra sodium, etc.), but it all worked out and I am SO HAPPY.

Yay me!

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