Sunday, July 8, 2007

Adult Swim

I have a love-hate relationship with swimming.

I hate getting in, but love how I feel when I'm done.

I think the hate comes from the fact that I am not that strong at swimming. I don't mean I am gonna drown or anything, but for competitive swimming, I am just turtle-slow.

But it is an Incredible aerobic workout, and when I'm done, because there is no impact, I feel like a million bucks.

The other thing I "hate" about swimming is swimming in a lake/river with WEEDS. I absolutely hate them, and get a panicky feeling when I see them in the water. I am working hard on getting over this feeling, but it is very hard. My last 4 swims have been in a lake or river, so I am really working on it. I almost talked myself out of it yesterday, but I did swim my 800 meters after my 3 mile run.

I guess I just have to keep working on it. The good news is that the last time I timed my 800, I was 4 minutes faster than the last time I timed it, so I guess I am improving. I am still doing some breast stroke (resting stroke) as I cannot breath, but hopefully some year I will stop doing that. ;)

2 weeks from today is "the" triathlon. :D


Fat 2 Fit said...

I used to swim a lot in lakes when I was a kid. The fish bugged me (LOL) I can remember feeling them against legs or whatever when I would swim below the water - so I quit doing that... Usually once you get out a little from the shore don't the weeds go away?? Also... FYI for the Wishamile ride.. if you want to sign up and agree to do the fundraising - you can contact them at any point and tell them that you don't want to ride after all so that someone on the waiting list can have your spot - something to consider. :)

Flabulous Mom said...

I know what you mean about weeds. YUCK! I hate swimming in them too. Kind of freaks me out. But great for you for sticking with it! I think that's awesome! Who cares if you're a slow swimmer, I bet the cardio workout that youa re getting is wonderful! And your speed has picked up! Good for you!