Friday, July 13, 2007

Baby it's Hot outside

I am not one to complain about the heat. I actually really like it, but working out in it can be very tough.

The cool thing about cross training is if it's hot outside, you can swim in a lake or even inside. I even had said before that biking when it's hot is ok, I just can't run if it's much hotter than 85.

However, after it was 95 when I biked on Monday, I might have changed my mind. I actually don't think it was only the heat, but we had a wicked head wind (it seemed like for EVERY hill) that slowed us down quite a bit, but twice I almost threw up. I am not sure if it was heat, too much water or eating to close to the workout, but my main suspect is the heat, because the other two I followed what I normally do.

The cool thing is, we biked 20 miles! Even in the heat! That's the furthest I've gone so far. Remember I'm doing all this road biking on a mountain bike, so it's tough, but I do love it.

1 comment:

Flabulous Mom said...

Wow, way to go! 20 miles is great! And on a mountain bike no less. Just be careful with that heat. That can be killer. Maybe on those 90 degree days or higher you can go for a swim instead. At least you'll stay cooler. Keep up the awesome job!